Thursday 28 December 2017

How IBM Builds An Effective Data Science Team

Data science is a team sport. This sentiment rings true not only with our experiences within IBM, but with our enterprise customers, who often ask us for advice on how to structure data science teams within their own organizations.

Before that can be done, however, it’s important to remember that the various skills required to execute a data science project are both rare and distinct. That means we need to make sure that each team member can focus on what he or she does best.

Consider this breakdown of a data science project, along with the skills required for each role:

While each role is certainly distinct, each team member does need to have T-shaped skills — meaning they’ll need to have depth in their own role but also a cursory understanding of the adjacent roles.

Let’s explore each role from the chart in a little more depth.

Product owners

Product owners are the subject matter experts, with a deep understanding of the particular business sector and its concerns. In some instances, the primary role of the product owner will be on the business side, while they work periodically with the data science team to address a specific data science problem or set of problems before cycling back into the broader role.

In fact, cycling back to the normal role is a benefit to the data science team. It means the product owner acts as the ultimate end user of the models and can offer concrete feedback and requests. It also means the product owner can advocate for data science from within the business units themselves.

Product owners are most often responsible for:

  •     Defining the business problem and working with data scientists to define the working hypothesis
  •     Helping to locate data and data stewards as necessary
  •     Brokering and resolving data quality issues

Data engineers

Data engineers are the wizards who move all the data to the center of gravity and connect that data via services and message queues. They also build APIs to make the data generally available to the enterprise, and they’re responsible for engineering the data onto the platform that best fits the needs of the team. With data engineers, we look for these top three skills:

  •     Proficient in at least three of the following: Python, Scala, Java, Ruby, SQL
  •     Proficient at consuming and building REST APIs
  •     Proficient at integrating predictive and prescriptive models into applications and processes

Data scientists

Data scientists tend to fill one of two distinct roles: machine learning engineers and decision optimization engineers. Because market conditions have caused “data scientist” to be such a hot role, making this distinction can remove some confusing wiggle room. (For our detailed thoughts on this, see our recent article on VentureBeat.)

Machine learning engineers

Machine learning engineers build the machine learning models, which means identifying the important data elements and features to use in each model. They determine which types of models to use, and they test the accuracy and precision of those models. They’re also responsible for the long-term monitoring and maintenance of the models. They need these top three skills:

  •     Training and experience applying probability and statistics
  •     Experience in data modeling and evaluation and a deep understanding of supervised and unsupervised machine learning
  •     Experience programming in at least two of the following: Python, R, Scala, Julia, or Java, with a preference for Python expertise

Decision optimization engineers

Decision optimization engineering skills and experiences overlap with machine learning engineers, but the differences are important. Decision optimization engineers need these top three skills:

  •     Experience applying mathematical modeling and/or constraint programming to a range of industry problems
  •     Proficient programming skills in Python and the ability to apply predictive models as input into decision optimization problems
  •     Experience building Monte Carlo simulation/optimization for what-if scenario analysis

Data journalists

That brings us to data journalists, the team members who help represent the output of the model in the context of the data that drove it and who can clearly articulate the business problem at hand. With data journalists, we look for these top three skills:

  •     Coding skills in either Python, Java, or Scala
  •     Experience integrating data and the output of predictive and prescriptive models within the context of a business problem
  •     Proficiency with data parsing, scraping, and wrangling

If you can gather together a team with these essential skills — and if you can ensure they collaborate well and maintain a meaningful understanding of one another’s work — you’ll be well on your way to uncovering the insights and understanding that can supercharge whatever organization you’re leading.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

IBM C9550-512 Question Answer

An activity on a process has three incoming flows attached to it and a single flow coming out. All three incoming flows have a token flow to the activity. What happens next?

A. Three tasks are createdfor the activity. When each task completes, a token flows down the outgoing flow.
B. Three tasks are created for the activity. One token flows down the outgoing flow when all three tasks are completed.
C. Only one task is created for the activity. The task is not created until all the tokens flow to the activity. One token flows down the outgoing flow once the task is completed.
D. Only one task is created for the activity. The task is created when the first token arrives at the activity, and the other tokens are discarded when they arrive. One token flows down the outgoing flow once the first task is completed.

Answer: A

Monday 19 June 2017

Apple Is 'Pervasive In The Enterprise,' says IBM

While there are still some industry observers who cling to rapidly declining arguments against such deployment, "Apple devices are already pervasive in the enterprise," said Mahmoud Naghshineh, General Manager of Offers and Solutions, IBM.
IOS company is here

Naghshineh spoke to me as IBM expands its MobileFirst iOS to the business schema. He echoes Mike Brinker, Global Digital Leader, Deloitte Digital, who last year called Apple products "essential to the modern enterprise."

"We are delivering innovative applications that are securely integrated with a company's business data, leveraging Apple's user experience to change the experience of mobile professionals," Naghshineh said in an e-mail.

"We are creating beautiful intuitive applications that connect to the core business systems, integrating the right data to help professionals deliver exceptional experiences."

One of the criticisms that have sometimes been thrown at such solutions is that they only provide a usability layer through existing data, but this is changing and fast.
Working with Watson

"While it is important to have data, the true game changer is the knowledge derived from this data, and we are now making this possible with the advanced analytics and cognitive capabilities of IBM Watson," said Naghshineh.

IBM is also leveraging its existing alliances and partnerships to "push forward business mobility," he said. More recently, it has expanded its alliance with SAP to facilitate the integration of those solutions with iOS applications. He has also expanded his relationship with Box.

Although many people are aware of the Apple / IBM business partnership, they may not yet fully recognize the depth of scale.

Naghshineh told me that IBM now has more than 10,000 designers and developers ready to help companies build and develop iOS applications for business.

New centers (IBM calls these "garages") in Shanghai and Bucharest, as well as Bangalore, mean that the company can develop business applications "quickly" as well as maintain and update them throughout the life of the application.
Worth it?

According to the Good Technology Mobility Index Index, iPhone accounted for 72 percent of all business smartphone activations during the first quarter, while the iPad accounted for 81 percent of tablet activations.

"Our companies are responding very well to our partnership, and many are well at deploying and seeing the benefits of the business," Naghshineh said. And a report on Accenture's 2015 Digital Density Index said the use of digital technologies could add $ 1.36 trillion to the top 10 economies in the world by 2020.

Forrester has stated that an airline deploying a suite of iOS enterprise applications can expect up to 48 percent return on investment over a three-year period, with a 30 percent reduction in mobile application development costs and a Reduction of 10 percent in operating costs.

"What we are doing together is a deep transformation on a business scale that begins with the end-user experience at the heart of the customer's core business processes and the most relevant data - at the moment - at the fingertips of the professional "Naghshineh said.
For whom?

Who uses these technologies? You can track through several reports that I have written if you want, but you will find these solutions now in use in retail, air transport, financial services, education, emergency response teams, doctors and beyond.

These industries are not just looking for individual applications. "We are now seeing conversations around enterprise mobility shifting from wanting a single application to a much broader transformation around deploying multiple applications," Naghshineh said.

Example of this: Lufthansa Group, City Furniture, Singapore Airlines and Japan Airlines are implementing applications that use data and analysis to improve customer experiences.

"In order to compete, organizations need to define new business models to create better ways of interacting with customers through digitally-enabled experiences." For many of our customers, we believe that all of the transformations across the enterprise must be focused on experience. Customers, the mobile is the basis for its broader transformation, "explained Naghshineh.

Customers want to take full advantage of the potential of mobile solutions to transform their business. They want agile development paths to deploy fast, changeable models in response to customer need, and want a great design and the kind of user experience we get when using any iOS application. Security and support in the cloud are also important. And applications must be able to connect with core business systems, he suggested.

Looking to the future, like augmented reality, artificial intelligence has the potential to transform business models.

IBM's response to this is to ensure that the iOS applications it develops can be incorporated with IBM Watson's cognitive capabilities. With Watson's ability to learn and adapt, I hope to see the use of iOS solutions spreading rapidly to other business cases, allowing for faster decisions and agile deployment of products in response to changing needs.

What you think? Does your company use more Apple computers? Are you working with IBM? What do you anticipate your business could achieve with digital transformation, or do you think everything is just hype? Leave me a line and let me know.

Google+? If you use social networks and happen to be a Google+ user, why not join the Kool Aid Corner community of AppleHolic and join in the conversation as we pursue the spirit of Apple's new model?

Do you have a story? Send me a line via Twitter and let me know. I would like it if you chose to follow me on Twitter so I can let you know when cool articles are posted here first on Computerworld.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

IBM C9550-512 Question Answer

A BPM developer would make which recommendation to improve application performance?

A. Avoid purging data regularly.
B. Create deploy deeply nested Coach Views.
C. Create large server side JavaScript blocks.
D. Avoid multiple sequential system lane activities.

Answer: D

The image below shows case instance A which depends on BPD instance B and case instance C.
Which statement is true?

A. To terminate C, complete A.
B. C cannot complete until A is complete or terminated.
C. If A is terminated forcefully, then C is also terminated.
D. To terminate A, you must be authorized to terminate at least one of its instances.

Answer: B

Thursday 30 March 2017

IBM C9550-512 Question Answer

When creating a Localization Resource bundle, which option can be changed only using the desktop Process Designer client application?

A. Importing localization bundles
B. Adding keys to a localization bundle
C. Adding values for the different languages
D. Adding locales to the localization resource

Answer: D

Tuesday 14 March 2017

IBM C9550-512 Question Answer

Which gateway is required to complete the BPD in the image below and ensure that the process either returns back to Task 1.1 or completes via Task 3?

A. Event Gateway
B. Complex Gateway
C. Parallel Gateway
D. Exclusive Gateway

Answer: D

Thursday 2 March 2017

IBM C9550-512 Question Answer

What common standard is used by both the internal IBM Business Process Manager document store and external Enterprise Content Management servers?

A. Databases
B. Folder structure
C. Application server
D. CMIS-based interfaces

Answer: D

Which status is available by default for Process Application snapshots?

B. Old
C. New
D. Test

Answer: D